Sunday, November 22, 2015

(A home office is a swell curse for readers.)

I spend time occasionally reading titles of 1000 best and/or famous books bringing back good memories trying to recall where I was when I read them.  Some of them I read as a young kid in Montreal when TV had very limited shows to watch; some in college, but most at home as a dad while the kids were growing up and in between softball games, karate classes, going to movies, and watching TV together. 
But why did I do this exercise?  Because for the past few years I’ve been on a reading kick and been devouring novels and short stories like they’re going out of style. Being semi-retired has its benefits sometimes.

Some of my old favorites include:
Jules Verne’s (Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea),
Alexander Dumas’ (The Count of Monte Christo),
Herman Melville’s (Moby Dick),
Agatha Christie’s (and Then There Were None), and dozens more

Robert Lewis Stevenson’s (Treasure Island).
Lately I’ve found several on-line sites offering free or very inexpensive e-Books for my Kindle. Kindles are a great way to go; while reviewing tons of books I saw many authors and books I’ve always wanted to read but have never gotten around to reading.

I've read about 100 of those thousand famous books. Years ago I began reading best sellers like James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Clive Cussler, John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, Stephen King and David Baldacci, bestselling books I have a hard time staying away from.  I hardly have yard work to do anymore, the house needs a bit of painting here and there and I hope to one day paint something.  I don’t think anyone can read 8 hours a day but reading is a nice way to spend a few hours, a few times a day and I can’t stop reading these favorites. (A home office is a swell curse for readers.)

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